Centro De Estudios Erasmus / Tlfn: 923 18 24 14 / WhatsApp: 637 657 157

School Calendar 2020 - 2021

Extraordinary or final exams and second final evaluation session of training cycles corresponding to the academic year 2019-2020.

  1. Extraordinary tests or the second final evaluation session, if applicable, for compulsory secondary education students, face-to-face vocational training cycles and baccalaureate in all its regimes and modalities, will be held on September 1, 2 and 3, 2020.
  2. The extraordinary tests of the training cycles of medium and higher degree of plastic arts and design will be held until September 4, 2020.
  3. The extraordinary tests for secondary school students for adults of the first semester, the second semester or the entire school year will be held on September 1, 2 and 3, 2020.
  4. The extraordinary evaluation for the promotion of language teaching students will be held in September 2020.
  5. The extraordinary tests for the students of sports and elementary education and music and dance professionals will be held until September 4, 2020.

PExtraordinary or final tests and second session of final evaluation of higher-level training cycles corresponding to the 2020-2021 academic year.

  1. Extraordinary or final tests for students in the second year of high school in the ordinary and evening regime with pending subjects in the first and / or second year and the second final evaluation session of the second years of the higher degree training cycles of initial professional training , will be held between June 24 and 30, 2021.
  2. The extraordinary tests for secondary school students for adults in the first semester will be held from June 1 to 7, 2021.
  3. Extraordinary tests for all distance-learning high school students will take place between June 24 and 30, 2021.
  4. Extraordinary tests for second-year students of higher-degree training cycles in plastic arts and design and higher-degree cycles of sports education who choose to take the high school assessment for access to university in their extraordinary call , will be carried out between June 24 and 30, 2021, prior written communication by the interested party to the direction of the teaching center of being in a position to be able to carry out the high school evaluation for access to the university, passing the pending modules. This communication must be made once the qualifications derived from the final evaluation session of the last quarter are known and with a minimum notice of five working days before the extraordinary tests are held.
  5. The extraordinary tests of professional music and dance education for students who, by passing all or some of the subjects, could obtain the Bachelor's degree, will be held between June 24 and 30, 2021, prior written communication by the interested party of your situation to the management of the center where you take such professional training. This communication must be made once the qualifications derived from the ordinary final evaluation session are known and at least five business days before the extraordinary tests are held.

  • September
  • Day9: Course start:
    - Second cycle of early childhood education.

    - Special education and Transition to Adult Life.

    - Primary education.

    - Compulsory secondary education students who are enrolled in primary education centers.
  • Day14: Course start:
    - Compulsory secondary education, except for students who are enrolled in primary education centers.

    - Baccalaureate in ordinary and night regime.

    - Second year of the training cycles of higher degree of initial professional training.

    - Second year of the training cycles of intermediate and higher degree of professional education in plastic arts and design.
  • Daytwenty-one: Course start:
    - Cycles of basic vocational training and training cycles of intermediate level and first year of the training cycles of higher degree of initial professional training.
  • Day28: Course start:
    - Baccalaureate in distance regime.

    - Training cycles of intermediate and higher degree in distance education regime.

    - Teachings taught in adult education centers and classrooms.

    - Secondary education for adults at a distance taught in secondary education institutes.
  • October
  • Day5: Course start:
    - Higher artistic education.

    - First year of the intermediate and higher level training cycles of professional education in plastic arts and design.
  • Day9: Teacher's day
  • Day12: Festive
  • Day13: Course start:
    - Elementary and professional music and dance education.
  • Day19: Course start:
    - Language teaching.

    - Sports education.
  • November
  • Daytwo: Festive
  • December
  • Day7: Festive
  • Day8: Festive
  • Days23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31: Christmas holidays
  • January
  • Days1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: Christmas holidays
  • February
  • Days15, 16: Carnival parties
  • March
  • Days26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31: Easter holidays
  • April
  • Days1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Easter holidays
  • Day2. 3: Community Party
  • June
  • Daytwo: End of course:
    - Language teaching.
  • Day4: End of course:
    - Second year of high school in ordinary and night regimes.

    - Baccalaureate in distance regime.

    - Second courses of the higher-level training cycles of initial professional training and of professional education in plastic arts and design.

    - Training cycles of higher degree in distance education regime.

    - Higher grade cycles of sports education.

    - Sixth year of professional music and dance education.
  • Day2. 3: End of course:
    - Second cycle of early childhood education.

    - Primary education.

    - Special education and Transition to Adult Life.

    - Compulsory secondary education.

    - First year of Baccalaureate in ordinary and night regimes.

    - Basic vocational training cycles, intermediate level training cycles of initial professional training.

    - Cycles of intermediate degree of the professional education of plastic arts and design and of the sport education.

    - First courses of the higher degree training cycles of initial professional training and of professional teachings of plastic arts and design.

    - Elementary and professional music and dance education, except sixth year of professional education.

    - Teachings taught in adult education centers and classrooms.

    - Secondary education for adults at a distance taught in secondary education institutes.

    - Middle-level training cycles in distance education regime.

    - Higher artistic education.

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